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The Holy Name Society is a Confraternity of the Catholic Church. Established in 1274, the Society was formed to counteract and repair the damages wrought by the Albigensian Heresy which denied the Divinity of Christ. Today’s Anti-Catholic heresy is even a greater danger. It denies not only the divinity of Christ, it denies His very existence. Holy Name members represent Catholic values and keep them alive by living according to the Holy Name Pledge.


The Holy Name Society is one of the oldest Organizations at The Church of St. Bartholomew.  Our primary purpose is to promote the praise, honor, and glory of the Holy Name of Jesus.  Its objectives are to help its members to develop spiritually, to create "good fellowship", and to encourage members to work together to advance parish goals and Acts of Corporal Mercy.


Joining the Society is an opportunity to counteract today’s Anti-Catholic culture through prayer, public devotion to God and the regular practice of our faith. We wish to extend an invitation to all the men, age 18 or older, to join us.  We meet on the first Thursday of each month @ 7:00pm in the HNS Meeting Room (Founders’ Room). You can also reach us by email or by contacting via phone or text Steve Spinhirn 440-823-2748.

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